Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions? Find your question here or ask us.

What are the services of Manassat Systems Information Technology Company?

IT Platforms Company provides comprehensive services in the field of information technology, Including supply, installation and maintenance of electronic devices, Mobile and web application development, network hosting, Providing cloud solutions for corporate systems.

Does IT Platforms Company provide electronic device supply and programming services?

Yes, IT Platforms Company supplies, installs and maintains all types of electronic devices. In addition to programming and customizing these devices according to our customers' needs.

Does IT Platforms Company provide hosting services and cloud solutions?

Yes, We provide website hosting services and cloud solutions for corporate systems, This contributes to improving data security and providing easy and flexible access.

How can I contact IT Platforms Company to obtain its services?

You can contact us through the Contact Us page on our website or via the available phone number, Our team will be ready to answer your inquiries and provide assistance.

Contact us

If you can't find your question here, You can ask us, Please send your question, We will respond to you in less than 24 hours.